3Forks Lab is

first and foremost, a gastronomic outfit. That means, unlike the average, say, management consultant, we have skin in the gastronomic game. We never waver from our commitment to create food that is gustatorily and aesthetically tasteful and memorable, at a time when there is all the incentive in the world to produce fodder that is garish and forgettable.

Clients that commission our services can expect their brands, menu items and restaurant concepts to receive the kind of thoughtful treatment that comes with working at the cutting edge of gastronomy while being steeped in its rich tradition. At the same time, the intimate knowledge of business realities, this being our second decade in the business, gives us a healthy respect for our client’s bottom line. The longevity of our creative products — not to mention the longevity of our operation itself — bespeaks both our uncompromising dedication to the craft and our pragmatism.

Our tecto-sensory approach is informed by the idea that the dining experience transcends the plate. It is only appropriate, then, that our work is highly collaborative. Our team includes designers, photographers, copywriters, DJ’s, musicians, artists, ceramists and other creatives, all conducted by chef Petros Andrianou. Each culinary concept carries the imprint of this creative diversity.

Business Development

The development of a new restaurant concept is a challenging, multi-faceted business, rife with financial and aesthetic pitfalls. 3 Forks Lab can offer invaluable strategic and conceptual guidance, driven by quality and integrity. Each one of our concepts, while tailored to the needs and circumstances of each client, still carries the unmistakable 3 Forks Lab DNA.

In practical terms, our services include, but are not limited to

  • ground-up concepts for new businesses
  • rebranding / revamping of existing menus
  • staff training / retraining
  • gastronomic events / bespoke private dining
  • workshops designed to tackle specific areas of concern for restaurant and hospitality businesses; short duration, deliverable at a client’s premises, sharply focused — a cost-efficient, low-commitment way to access 3 Forks Lab’s road-tested problem-solving resources
  • mini presentations to organisations that wish to take advantage of our extensive knowledge and experience of the food and beverage market; a more nuanced understanding of market trends allows businesses to better identify market opportunities and traps, exploit niches, and set themselves apart from the competition

If you would like to commission our services:

– the first step is for the investor or owner to establish direct contact with us 
– existing 3 Forks Lab concepts are available under a license fee
– new concepts will be registered under 3 Forks Lab

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